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Broderick::Even Batman Needs to Sleep…

Even Batman Needs to Sleep…
 …and I bet he needs his mommy sometimes, too.
Life has been a crazy whirlwind of sickness, travel, work, lots of highs & definitely some lows. I feel like I’m in the trenches of motherhood and I only have one baby! Phew. 
Every night when our heads hit the pillow, we sigh with relief and joy that another day is done and we’re thankful for the start of a new day to come. This boy of ours has changed our lives–this could not be more true. We are tired and thankful. We are learning and changing. We are enjoying a lot of moments. And I think God gifted us with sleep so we could look at our sleeping, rosy-cheeked children with hope for more time and more memories.

Have a great weekend, friends! I hope that it is full of rest and time spent with the ones you love. 

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