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38 Weeks

Well, this is definitely the home stretch! 
I got emotional the other day when I was telling Travis how I will miss feeling the baby move in my tummy. He will be in our arms in no time and the past 9 months have been so great. Definitely going to miss being pregnant but also looking forward to having my body back to myself. Well, most of it:)
Had my Dr. appt on Friday and I am now dilated 2 centimeters, still pretty thick, but his head has dropped a little more. Still pretty high, though. Excited to be making progress–I’ll take what I can without pain!:)
Weeks: 38
Weight gain: 27 lbs from pre-pregnancy weight.
Baby’s size: Around 19 inches and hopefully less than 8 pounds:)
Changes: I looked down at my hands in Church this morning and my fingers are swollen! It caught me off guard. I don’t know if I’ll end up having to take off my rings but it was weird to see my fingers all puffy.
Maternity clothes: Yes.
Food cravings: Ice cream. Cold Stone is calling my name on a nightly basis…
Food aversions: Nothing that I can think of!
Best moment this week: Hearing that I’m dilated another centimeter and that the results came back negative for my group B strep test. 
Worst moment this week: Our hospital’s new Maternity Tower opening is being pushed back. Our Doctor said he will know by Tuesday. I was bummed but in the end, it doesn’t matter where our son is born. As long as he is healthy. It would just be a bonus if we got to be in the new facility! 
Missing anything: Not quite sure. I’m enjoying this! 
Thank you for following! Travis’ guess of this little one’s arrival is this Thursday. Maybe this will be my last Pregnancy progress post. Maybe I’ll have three more haha! 

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