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Chico, CA Birth Photography:: Baby Girl R

September 21st, 2017

Reign Vienne

This feels a lot like dejavu…the most amazing dejavu. If you look less than two years ago in my blog posts, you will see this couple welcoming their 5th baby boy. But this time they welcomed their first baby GIRL!

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I fully expected to walk in to Desiree and Adam’s hospital room to Desiree holding her baby girl. Thankfully, she held out just in time for me to be able to capture Desiree pushing one time and pulling her baby up to her chest.

The nurses were in tears as they witnessed Desiree & Adam meet their first daughter.




“Well, that was fun! Where are we moving this party to?!”

Congratulations Thatcher family! You have full hands and even fuller hearts. You are a beautiful family.

And in case you’re wondering…yes…this baby girl brought the baby fever levels up quite a bit.

All images copyright @AlbiniPhotography.

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