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Chico, CA Birth Photography:: Amelia James

Each birth is so unique and beautiful–it is truly difficult to find the words to write. Maybe that is why I am a photographer so I can just let the photos tell the story. Thank you to Austin and Emily for allowing me to be a part of telling this amazing story. 
And this story…it is definitely worth reading. So, please enjoy reading this and know that this is so precious to many, many people. 
“Amelia’s birth changed my life. From the months of carrying her, to the moment of meeting her, nothing could have prepared me for the intense love I would have not only for her but for my husband. Her birth was overwhelming, both physically and emotionally, but I am reminded of God’s perfect plan when I think back on her arrival.” –Amelia’s mom
Lisa is a proud mom and now grandma in this next photo…

One of my favorite images of the evening. Pure joy on this daddy’s face!

 Welcome to the world, Amelia!

Thank you to the entire Skinner and Jones families for allowing me into that special delivery room. I’m grateful and humbled by your generosity. Congratulations!!

Baby Albini #2 is a…

Baby Albini #2 is a…


 Tears rolled down my cheeks when the ultrasound tech told us that it was a girl. I was so shocked and excited! Because my pregnancy was so similar to Brody’s, I thought for sure we were having another little boy. I get butterflies in my stomach each time I think about her.

We are so in love with this little baby! She was moving around so much and kept putting her hands up by her face. Everything she did just had us in a puddle. We are in trouble!:)

 This is my favorite picture of all time!!! Look at that excitement!

I have looked through her ultrasound pictures lots and I am in love with every single one! I think she looks like her daddy.

 Pointing to baby sister…

 We have a few names that we both like but we are not set on anything. The name will be shared when she arrives. We are almost half way there!

I love these two babes!
Thank you to everyone for the congratulations! We are just so excited and blessed. Travis is already wanting to get a dog to protect his babies and guard off any unwanted attention from boys ;). 

 Oh, and here’s an outtake of Brody trying to lift up my dress to see where the baby is!!

I realized there aren’t any of my little bump so I’ll be doing an update on that soon. Thanks for following along with our family!

Chico, CA Maternity Photography:: Brittany and Casey

Brittany and I have been friends for about 8 years–we first met in college when we lived in the same dorms. We instantly become great friends and over the years have been a part of some of the biggest, most exciting moments in each other’s lives. From getting married, graduating college, telling each other the exciting news of expecting babies and now meeting them! And, well, I met Casey once he decided to make the drive up to Chico from Southern California to tell Brittany that he wanted her!:)Smart move–and it worked! I’ve been a fan of him ever since!
Congratulations to these two–your little girl is already very, very loved and we can’t wait to meet her. You two are a great team and you will do great extending your teamwork into parenthood! 
And one last thing…they are models. Okay, not really but my camera really liked them and they look like models huh?:)Enjoy these photos and thanks for following along! 

I am in love with these photos!

One of my favorites!

 Brittany, you are so beautiful.

Congratulations, Casey and Brit! Can’t wait to meet your little girl!!

Chico, CA Family Photography:: The Schulken Family

I loved that this little boy wanted to take the photos and that their little girl knew where we should pose and sit. My camera turned into a great bribing tool!:)
I had a great time traipsing around the field with this family! Here’s a glimpse into our time spent together. Chris and Andrea are celebrating 10 YEARS married so they wanted a photo session to capture their lives 10 years later. I couldn’t endorse this idea any more!:) 
Enjoy these photos and thank you to this fun family!
 Happy 10 years Chris and Andrea! 

We appreciate you guys and your friendship! Thanks for a great session!

Baby Number 2 is on the way!

We are 16 weeks pregnant with our second little baby!

Well, Brody was not a little baby but I’m hoping this baby doesn’t take after Brody in the large head department! I keep thinking about the moment we get to meet this baby and it gives me butterflies. We are so excited!

We are excited, nervous, anxious, praying, thankful, so thankful, and sleeping lots. This pregnancy has been fairly similar to my pregnancy with Brody with the nausea, food aversions & cravings, exhaustion, etc. Don’t bring a hamburger around me but please drop off some fresh fruit and veggies:)I seem to be a bit more tired this time around but I’m attributing that to spending my days playing with Brody.
This baby is due mid October and I’m thrilled about the time of year! Baby #2 will be one month shy of 2 years younger than Brody. I keep telling myself that this age gap will be so fun…at some point:) We find out if this little one is a boy or girl in less than two weeks! My hunch is telling me boy. Really only because this pregnancy is very similar to Brody’s and I’m dying to use our next boy name! 😉 We will truly be THRILLED either way!
Brody doesn’t quite understand that there is a baby in mommy’s tummy. He does, however, think it is absolutely hilarious to say that there is a baby in his tummy! We will be working lots on gentleness and independent play time, as I am kind of nervous of the mischief my 2 year old will get into while I am taking care of a newborn! Any tips?:)

I wasn’t sure when to share this great news as this time around it has been put on my heart to be even more sensitive to those who struggle to get pregnant, stay pregnant, have healthy babies, etc. I have had tearful conversations with friends who are dreaming of having their own–yet still waiting for the time to come. I thought those conversations were tough on me…It’s definitely not toughest on me. Anyways, all that to say that I wish for you to know my heart and that we are so thankful for this new, healthy life growing in me. Even on the tough mornings and exhausted evenings, we are thankful and oh-so-grateful.

I thought now was a great time to share this news because I just felt the first little kicks! This is the same time that I felt them with Brody so I’ve been aware to pay attention. I felt a few little popcorn kicks then looked at my belly and saw a few more. I have a feeling this little one will be active just like big brother!!:)

(Ultrasound at 10 weeks where we saw this little gummy bear and fell in love hearing the heartbeat!)

Thank you all for your sweet words and excitement for our family! We would appreciate your prayers for this baby who we already know is being so perfectly made.