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37 Weeks

Well, we are officially full term. I am so grateful for the pregnancy that we’ve had so far. Strong heartbeats, good weight gain and blood pressure. Baby has been head down for the past 20 weeks. Yes, there are aches and pains. Yes, there are things that are uncomfortable and not fun. But, it is a true blessing and a gift.
 Yoga pants–all day, every day.
Weight gain: 30 lbs. from first Dr. appt.–26 lbs from pre-pregnancy weight.
Baby’s size: Around 7lbs based on his last ultrasound.
Changes: This is kind of TMI but I’m pretty sure I lost my mucus plug, which is the mucus-like membrane that plugs your cervix during pregnancy. My mom said that usually for first pregnancies, this means you have about 1 week until labor. AH!(I lost it at 37 wks, 5 days)
Maternity clothes: Yes. Anything else is either uncomfortable or just doesn’t fit. I SQUEEZED into some pre-pregnancy pants for our Maternity photos. Those will be staying in my closet for the next few months.
Food cravings: Grapes and salad.
Food aversions: Nothing really.
Best moment this week: Travis surprised me and made it to our Doctor’s appointment on Friday. It was so great having him there while we talked about labor and when I got checked. I am 1 centimeter dilated and pretty thick. Really, this seems kind of irrelevant because it doesn’t tell me much. I could still be a week overdue or I could go into labor tomorrow. Only God knows:) But, it is nice to know I guess.
Worst moment this week: I’m really, really thankful that it takes me a while to come up with something for this category. This week has been kind of tough because I was battling a cold that I thought were allergies. I am now just dealing with a super itchy throat–could still be allergies. I really don’t know what it is. But, it was a great week and it was nice to reach 37 weeks without any complications!
Missing anything: It is really tough for me to bend forward at all. My stomach is in the way and it feels like all of the muscles around my pelvis are very strained. 
Looking forward to: Reaching 38 weeks and hoping that the new Maternity Tower at our local hospital opens in time for this little one’s arrival. It is supposed to open next weekend. We shall see:)
Thanks for following! 
November 5, 2012 - 3:20 pm

aubrey - oh! I can't wait! Getting so excited for you:)

Five on Friday

So happy it is Friday! Travis and I got up early this morning to get some bagels before work. I was showering and it was dark out still–hate that! I could stay in the hot shower all morning. I yelled to Travis “Babe, i can’t get out!” It feels so good when it is chilly out.
Moving on…
I got to see our baby boy on an ultrasound on Monday. He looks just adorable and seriously squished! The tech could barely get a picture of his sweet face. He is head down and everything looks great!
Travis and I ate dinner on our patio in the backyard a few nights ago. It wasn’t all romantic and glamorous– I was swatting mosquitoes away and our napkins were flying off the table. But, the change of scenery from the dining room table was great. It will probably be the last time we do that because it is getting cold at night!
We had friends over for pizza while we passed out candy on Halloween. It was horrible weather in Chico so we didn’t get too many trick or treaters. Some kids took advantage of Travis’ naivety as he put the bowl of candy out for the kids to grab, instead of handing them each a few pieces. He learned his lesson when half the bowl was gone with one little group of kiddos!
One of our favorite things to do is have meals with friends. We are very blessed to have a solid community here in Chico of people we love doing life with. Thank you Thiedes for spoiling us with a yummy dinner! And thank you Lundbergs for the Pumpkin pie I’ve been craving!!:)
It is much, much more than the coffee–it’s the red, Christmas-themed, cup of comfort. Spoiled ourselves with it for the first time this year.

Oh! And notice the carseat in the background?? We’re ready for you baby!!

Thanks for following! Have a great weekend!!

November::Uncontrollable Excitement!

Well, it is officially November–and I don’t know if I’ve ever been more excited for October to end. October was a great month, but it will crumble in comparison to November. 
November has never been a particularly exciting month for me in the past. But you better believe that I am going to have an extra pep in my step this November! Or, maybe that is the pregnant waddling that I’ve picked up the last few days. Either way, it will be a great month!
November–the month of our son’s birthday, a day of no-guilt stuffing your face with yummy turkey & mashed potatoes and, of course, the month that Starbucks breaks out their comfort-in-a-red-cup shenanigans. 
Our plan for Thanksgiving, whether we have a baby in our hands or belly, is to sit on the couch while family makes a yummy turkey feast at our home. Because this little boy is due two days before Thanksgiving, we decided it’d be best for us to either be hugely pregnant and be home or have a new baby in our arms at home. I’m so grateful my mom and family are willing to drive up to Chico from South Lake Tahoe to be with us. Although, we all know they are hoping to spend time with a little someone special. Travis and I will just be afterthoughts at that point:)
This month has become more celebratory since living in Chico because of the obvious change in weather–bringing on yellows, oranges, reds that my San Diego eyes had yet to discover.
I hope that this November is one that you too are looking forward to! And I hope that you spoil yourself with a special red cup. I plan to tonight!

What is your favorite thing about this month??

November 1, 2012 - 11:50 pm

laurentees - Loved this post! Puts a huge smile on my face! I love being around family, and I think it's fitting that you will be expanding yours in such a family-oriented month :)


Although it is kind of a cliche saying, I would consider myself a ‘control freak’. I like to be in the know, have control, and do things myself–knowing they will get done how I like them to get done. 
This will be an issue for me as a mom, I just know it. It will be an issue for Travis and I–I will have to learn to let him be the Dad he wants to be. Not the Dad that I want him to be. Because, really, I know that he wants to be and will the best Dad he can. I will struggle to let him change our son’s diaper how he does it and not step in saying “Oh, I actually do it like this.” I will have to let him do things HIS way and have confidence in him.(He is actually really good at changing diapers.)
After reading a friend’s post about a family’s tragedy, I started to have numbing fearful thoughts. I was thinking of all of things that could go wrong with the end of this pregnancy. Yes, I try to push these fears to the back of my mind. But, they are legitimate fears. What if our son is a stillborn? What if he doesn’t survive? 
I imagine that once our son is born my fears will only quadrouple. “Why is he crying so much?!” “What am I doing wrong?” “Is he getting enough food?” “Is he breathing?!”
But then I asked myself, “Why do we fear”–especially what we can’t control? 
Where does fear stem from? 
I think it stems from a lack of faith. A lack of faith in the Creator who knows not only me to the depths of my soul, but also my son. He created him. Perfectly. Even if he isn’t “perfect”. 
I feel like the theme of my pregnancy has been “Why stress about it if I can’t control it?” So what?–he is measuring really big. If I can’t do anything about that, then I am not going to stress about it. He will just be a big baby and I will just have to deal with having big babies. It isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Maybe just a tougher delivery/recovery. At least he is healthy.
I used to worry “What if he comes really early and has to be in the NICU and we can’t bring him home…on and on and on?!” Well, then that will just be the reality. 
I need to stop worrying.
I need to have faith–not fear of the unknown, not anxiety, not questioning of who has a better plan or who is in control. 
I need to know that His plan for my life, for Travis’ life, for our son’s life is BEST. It is. I might not think it at certain times. But it is. He knows the desires of our hearts. He has a plan for our son’s life. He knows the exact date and time he will enter this world. I literally have NO control in that. 
So, I will try my best to enjoy this time of him rolling around and kicking. It puts a smile on my face. But, if I am filled with fear, I don’t enjoy his kicks because I am too consumed with the ‘what ifs’. 
And how lame is that?

Thanks for letting me share my fears, thoughts, and joys on here. It helps me feel normal. And I hope it helps you feel normal–But that it also inspires change in your heart.

36 Weeks

Wow, I can’t believe we are 36 weeks!! That sounds so far along–and it is! 
I have been feeling great…considering I am carrying around 25+ extra pounds and can’t touch my toes. It is getting more difficult to sit comfortably because I feel like I might choke up my stomach. But, I really do feel good. I am sleeping great. I have to get up to go pee about 5 times a night but I fall right back to sleep. 
Weeks: 36
Weight gain: about 27 lbs total.
Baby’s size: around 6 pounds and over 18 inches long.
Changes: At about 4pm every day I desperately want a nap! I haven’t given into this too much because I am also nesting. So, instead of taking a nap I’ll scrub the shower or dust:)
Maternity clothes: Yes.
Food cravings: Oreos.
Food aversions: Nothing really.
Best moment this week: Maternity pictures!! Thank you Katelyn Owens Photography! I can’t wait to see the photos!!!
Worst moment this week: Getting more stretch marks. None on the belly so far but my right boob is covered–so weird! 
Missing Anything: Being able to bend over/do things easily. Travis has helped me a lot taking off and putting on shoes and clothes!
Looking forward to: We have another ultrasound on Monday because I am still measuring small. Last time the baby was measuring two weeks big so I am excited to see him again and see how big he is. We also have our first appointment on Friday where the doctor will check my cervix. Not excited about the check but interested to see if I am dilated or effaced at all. 
Thanks for following! It’s almost November!!