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Five on Friday

Have you been watching the Presidential debates? Travis makes me:) Personally, I think they are annoying and they make me kind of uncomfortable. Travis and I both think there to should a REAL timer and their mics should turn off when their time is up. The talking over each other and bickering seem childish.
We had some great friends over for dinner Tuesday night. The meal had to be dairy and gluten free! Yes, I gave myself a little pat on the back when the meal was thoroughly enjoyed!
Travis had Wednesday off because he works this Saturday. He was such a trooper and tagged along with me to babysit. He pushed the stroller and later picked up all the puzzle pieces off the floor. I really appreciate him:)
I set up our Diaper Genie in baby boy’s room. Who knew that would be so exciting?! Carseat is in the car, too. It is weird to look back and see it. Travis and I were commenting on how surreal it will feel to bring baby Albini home for the first time! Ah!
I’ve been walking with some girlfriends in Bidwell Park. (I don’t take this park for granted–it is such a great place!) They all have their babies in their strollers. Mine is still cookin’ but he will be surrounded by a beautiful posse soon!
Thanks for following this week’s Five on Friday. Any fun plans this weekend??
October 29, 2012 - 6:05 pm

laurentees - Ben and I tried to watch the debates…it was rough! haha

October 30, 2012 - 12:18 am

Travis and Danielle - Seriously! I cringe when they try to interrupt each other! Miss you two!!

Chico, California Family Photographer::The Rollins Family

We feel seriously blessed when we get to photograph a family each year. Meghan, Keith, and their family have been with us since the beginning of AlbiniPhotography. What a joy it is to see their family grow and get to know the personalities of their sweet boys!
You’ll be able to tell from these photos which of the two boys likes being in front of the camera:) Enjoy!
Those blue eyes just kill me–so, so handsome!

The boys had a fun time throwing the leaves around and we loved capturing this family’s photos again! 
Thank you for being so great!

35 Weeks

I officially feel ready for this baby! I hope he waits a few more weeks because we have our Maternity photos scheduled this Sunday. But, we feel ready to meet him and see his sweet face–in a few weeks:)

Weeks: 35
Weight gain: 26lbs total
Baby’s size: around 6 pounds and 18 inches long
Changes: Man, it is tough doing every day things with a basketball in front of you! I had trouble putting on my boots this morning.
Maternity clothes: Yes, ma’am!
Best moment this week: Some of my great friends threw us a baby shower! My mom and sister were able to make it and we felt so blessed to have people who love our baby boy so much. People are so generous!
Worst moment this week: I was sick with the flu. It only lasted about 1 day so I was thankful for that. I did cry ugly tears when Travis got home from work. I just felt so guilty that I was sick and not eating when I have this baby in me that needs food! I didn’t have an appetite and when you feel like throwing up, it is hard to eat close to any thing! Travis got it the next day and it is hard wanting to help him but not really being able to do anything for him but let him rest and force some gatorade down his throat. The Albini household is healthy now.
Food cravings: Mexican food.
Food aversions: Nothing. 
Missing anything: Hot Cheetos:) I banned them from my house from now on. I ate WAY too many. It takes a lot of self control to walk past the chip aisle.
Looking forward to: Maternity photos this weekend! Haven’t been in front of the camera together for a while and I can’t wait!
Sorry, no picture this week. I think being sick, Travis being sick, and having family in town this weekend threw me off and I forgot. I promise it isn’t because of wanting to hide my chubby cheeks or anything:)
I got my update from BabyCenter on my phone this morning telling us that we are 36 weeks. I had to do a double-take. What?! How has this gone by so fast???

Five on Friday

The beginning of this week draaaaged on. But, now it is Friday and looking back, it seems to have flown by! 
I had a doctor’s appointment on Monday. Everything looks great! I thought he was going to talk about labor but that is next time. He scheduled another ultrasound for the 29th, because I am still measuring small. Hmmm–doesn’t feel like it:)
I finished editing a fun family session and am now working on the next. We have two more in the books before being done this season. I didn’t want to schedule anything in November–just in case.
Remember how my mother in law and sister in law were in Ireland the past two weeks?? Yesterday my mother in law FaceTimed me and I am just not used to that! She had just landed in Washington D.C.. I’m excited to be able to FaceTime people once our little guy arrives. Technology is crazy!!
I was pretty sick yesterday. Being sick and hugely pregnant is especially not fun. I laid on the couch the entire day and didn’t go outside once–I hate that. Travis brought me home some dinner(Taco Bell:)) and I couldn’t even eat the dang bean and cheese burrito! I had some contractions, too. But, they went away and I feel much better now!
Travis works at JPMorgan Chase Bank in downtown Chico. He has been at this branch for about 6 months–I think. He used to have a 30+ minute commute each way. It is a ten minute drive and I get to meet him for lunch a lot. It is so nice having him so close. I can’t wait to bring his little baby boy to see him on our lunch dates:)

I’ve been bringing us lunch so we can save some money and not always be buying lunch downtown. We picnic’d on Chico State’s campus and Travis actually fell asleep on the blanket. Two things to note: 1–those are my sunglasses and 2–this guy gives me so many foot rubs and back massages…the least I can do is feed him a grape or two:)

October 20, 2012 - 2:42 am

aubrey - You two are too cute. Hang in there, girl! I'm glad you are feeling better. You are getting so close!

Chico, California Family Photographer::Richter Family

The Richter Family was seriously fun to work with. It was refreshing for me to be around sisters. I come from a family of 5 girls so I am familiar with the chaos, love, and friendship of girls. 
When Allie contacted me for Family Portraits, I was excited. She mentioned that her family’s orchard is being cut down and they wanted photos in the orchard before it was gone. How beautiful is that? Their family will eventually replant trees after a few years but this orchard means a lot to the Richter family. I feel honored to be able to photograph it. 
Enjoy these photos of this sweet family. They laugh a lot:)
 The family has a swing in the backyard–I can just picture them playing on it as little girls.

 Beautiful ladies…
I just love this sequence–making each other laugh.
Of course their sweet puppy Carly had to get in some photos. She is obsessed with her dead squirrel toy–it isn’t really a dead squirrel but I thought it was when I first saw it:)
 Dad and his best friend.
 I joked earlier that Travis and I aren’t ever getting a puppy. Carly really is a beautiful dog. Maybe one day we’ll get a dog like her–just a few years older with less energy:)
Thank you, Richter family! You are a fun bunch and I so appreciate you making me feel at home:)