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Chico, California Family Photographer::Sneak Peek

Travis and I got to spend an afternoon with Meghan, Keith, and their two little boys. The weather was still somewhat cool and it was great! 

Of course, with family photos you really don’t want everyone to see ALL of them before you send out your Christmas cards. So, here is just a little sneak peek at our time spent with this sweet family. I’m sure I won’t be able to resist sharing a few more soon.:)I love that we were able to take their family photos again this year. Thank you Rollins Family!
The boys had a blast throwing the leaves around.
The older of the two was a ham:) I will definitely be sharing more of his sweet personality!

34 Weeks

This week brought on a weird combination of exhaustion and energy. At times I just wanted to sleep and then other times I was ready to be on my feet and bake! That means I have a new type of energy because I am not usually a baker. 
Weeks: 34
Weight gain: Probably around 26 pounds total.
Baby’s size: Probably more than 5 pounds. Either way, he is big and squished:)
Changes: Energy to clean and bake!
Maternity clothes: Yes. I’m thankful I am pregnant during the long tank top fashion trend. Those have saved me and I can hide my unzipped pants easily!
Food cravings: Pumpkin things.
Food aversions: Nothing that I can think of.
Best moment this week: Travis and I spent a lot of our evenings sitting on the couch together–this seems to be baby boy’s most active time. He ROLLS and pushes my stomach into very odd shapes.
Worst moment this week: Thinking I was going to get some Nursing bras from Target for about $15 each. Then realizing they don’t have a size big enough!!!
Missing anything: Moving around easily. I was breathing hard the other morning after putting my socks on and tucking my jeans into my boots. Phew!:)
Looking forward to: Our doctor’s appt on Monday. This is the first one where he will start talking about labor and the first week where he said they won’t be stopping labor! AH!
Thanks for following and please pray that this baby is healthy and that he will fit coming out! I’m worried he is going to be HUGE and get stuck. Again, kind of irrational and if it is true there is really nothing I can do about it. Just thought I’d ask for prayer for a baby under 10 pounds:) Preferably around 7 would be great–but that’s not happening. Unless he comes next week:)

Five on Friday

Well, this week didn’t go by super fast for me. I am waiting  for each Tuesday to come–that is the day we technically reach our next week of pregnancy. However, I am very excited that it is Friday and that I get to sleep in tomorrow:)
I was so happy Monday morning on my way to my Mom’s group at our Church. This group is seriously the BEST Bible Study I have ever been to. The two women who lead it are very wise and great leaders. Their children are testimonies to their parenting and God’s faithfulness. I am basically nodding my head THE ENTIRE time:)
Travis had Tuesday off this week–he gets a day off in the week if he works the following Saturday. He played SpikeBall with some friends. He asked me to videotape it. So, I sat there for two hours hitting record, stop record, record, stop record, record, stop record about 500 times. It was fun! If you don’t know what SpikeBall is or you want to see some ballers, check out the video that he put together–he was VERY proud of himself for figuring out iMovie for 5 hours.
YouTube SpikeBall Video
Have you been watching The Voice?? It is the one show, besides SharkTank, that Travis and I really enjoy watching together. We probably sound like fools saying “Oh, he is SO going home.” or “Christina SO needs to put those boobies away.” Travis actually said last night that he likes it when she wears shirts that cover them up–they must really be hard to look at;)
Tonight we are having our neighbors over for dinner. Both families are moving. Both families are the only ones on our street that we hang out with. Boohoo–I will miss them. BUT, one of them is just moving down the street to a bigger house. I will miss their little girl greeting me when I come home “Hi Danielle!!!” from the front window. “Where’s Travis?!?” “What are you doing???” “Can I come over and play???” She is the most sociable 4 year old I know. She’ll be a great babysitter:)
Most of you probably don’t know this but Travis is dairy-intolerant. Every once in a while he sneaks in a piece of pizza(b/c who could resist pizza?!) but it really messes with his stomach. So, I can get in a little pity party that our meals are SO limited now. I felt kind of in a recipe rut but then I remembered some of our favorite meals. We made homemade pizza and we made tuna melts this week. All with goat’s cheese–yes…that isn’t dairy. It comes from a goat:) I’ll share the recipe next week because my sister-in-law asked for it!
Have a great weekend! I hope this Fall weather sticks around but next week looks like it is going to be in the high 80s again in Chico. I’m loving today’s 70 degrees!!!

Chico, California Family Photographer::Sneak Peek

I got to spend some time with the Richter family this past weekend. I went to college with Allie and it was fun to meet her family and get some photos in their family’s orchard! Here’s just a little sneak peek of the three beautiful sisters. 
Thank you for a good time, Richter family! We are now officially never getting a  puppy:)
October 10, 2012 - 9:48 pm

Anonymous - These are amazing!!! Thank you! And Carly makes me never want to have a puppy either! :) – Allie

October 10, 2012 - 11:29 pm

Travis and Danielle - Thank YOU! Haha Carly was too cute!

33 Weeks

This past week brought on some changes–waking up in the middle of the night with heartburn, odd stomach pains(probably gas, not contractions), back pain has subsided.
I’m thankful that my sciatica has subsided for the most part. I pretty much figured that I would have it for the rest of pregnancy. However, I think it was just flared up and tweaked because it has gotten SO much better. Praise the Lord.
Travis took this picture of me while out to dinner the other night. “Babe, take a picture of my belly because I don’t have one for my 33 week post.”:)
Weight gain: About 25 pounds?
Baby’s size: About 5 pounds and over 17 inches long.
Maternity clothes: YES. Anything else is getting pretty tight/short.
Changes: Stomach muscles hurt. I basically have to rolllll out of bed to get up. No more abs, that’s for sure.
Food cravings: I want something sweet every night after dinner.
Food aversions: Nothing that I can think of.
Best moment this week: Getting video of baby boy sticking his little foot out the side of my belly.
Worst moment this week: Stomach pains in the middle of the night when I move.
Missing anything: Having energy. Being on my feet for too long starts to hurt my feet and back.
Looking forward to: Getting closer to meeting him!! 
The way that I’ve been doing these posts for the most part has been to post them at the end of the given week. I have to write about that week so it only makes sense. We are 34 weeks today. Getting so close! 
I’m still having those fearful moments of “AH! What if my water breaks right now?!” But, it is getting closer and closer to being okay and really isn’t something I should stress about. My water might not even break–that was something I thought happened to everyone. Nope, most women have to have theirs broken in the hospital. Anyways, he is just weeks away from making his arrival!