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Pinterest Success::Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

Today I am sharing a Pinterest success that just needed some tweaking–does that still make it a success? I think so. Anyways, my friend Lauren and I were feeling like making something Fall-like today. So, what did I do? Um, go to my Pinterest boards of course!
I have followed Ashley’s blog for a few years now and every once in a while she shares a recipe. I pinned this Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe one year ago. I am not one to often try new baking recipes, although I want to. Sometimes it seems like with all of the ingredients needed, it would be kind of pricey. That is true at first–but once you have your spice cabinet stocked up, it really is pretty cheap. And, scratch tastes better:) PLUS, you get extra wife points on your imaginary awesome wife scoreboard!!

The only thing that I would change to her recipe is to not make the frosting. Everything about the actual cookies are perfect! The cookies by themselves are sweet enough(in my opinion) without the frosting. Well, two of my girlfriends agreed too. It was too rich with the cream cheese-based frosting. And, you’ll probably save about ABAJILLION calories by not adding the frosting:)
I’m on a Pinterest roll tonight–I’m making this for dinner. Just going to add some shredded chicken for some protein. I’ll let you know how it is!

**Travis just tried the cookies and he liked it better with the frosting. Hmm. I guess just try it how you think you’ll like it! He has a MAJOR sweet tooth so I’m sticking with the no-frosting.**

Five on Friday

This week has FLOWN by. As I’m sure it has for a lot of you. How is it Friday already? Wow. 
Spent a lot more time in the JoAnn’s parking lot then planned. My friend Lauren and I went there to get some supplies for crafting. When we went to drive away, there was a thumping sound. Yep–flat tire. We laughed. Honestly, I think we just started laughing. If I was by myself, I might have had a different reaction. I was thankful she was with me, that we could kill some time in Ross across the street, that there was a real tire(not just a spare) under my car, and that our insurance covered everything. 
Had another weird dream last night about this baby boy. He came out early(which I am still thinking he is going to do–preparing for a late arrival, though.) and he had four teeth already. He wouldn’t breastfeed and he was crawling around. What the heck is up with my dreams about my baby coming out a crawler!? Maybe it is because Travis jokes that he is going to come out of the womb doing push-ups!:)
My sister in law is on a tour in Ireland with the National Field Hockey team. My mother in law is there and is keeping us updated and Torrie is not disappointing with Instagram pics. Here is a clip of Torrie(#3) scoring two goals! GO USA!
My mom sent me a photo of our little boy’s bumper that she made. I can’t wait to put it in his crib! I also can’t wait to do a blog post of his nursery–I think his room is pretty simple. Nothing crazy and over the top. If we were having a girl, I would’ve been in trouble. Boys room kinda have to be simple. Do you agree? Otherwise they get too girly:)
Here is a photo of the craft that I did for his room. Supplies needed: Cardboard, Yarn, Exacto Knife, Sharpie. I drew the stencil of the ‘B’, then cut it out, then wrapped it. The wrapping took WAY longer than I thought it would. I think I spent a total of 6 hours wrapping this thing. Also, you have to be creative when wrapping a ‘B’–the curves and edges are tough. I love the outcome. It isn’t perfect so don’t look too closely:)
Like I mentioned on Instagram, his name is going to be kept a secret. But you all know now that it starts with a ‘B’. Don’t try guessing–We won’t give it away:)
Travis said last night that we should announce his name as Brutus after he is born. I suggested Bartholomew–Bart for short.
Have a great weekend, friends! Thanks for following!

Craft::Fall Wreath

I have had the same wreath hanging on our front door for almost a year. We moved into our home November 18th. (Maybe baby boy will come on our 1 year homeowners anniversary!:))
I wanted to make a new wreath and make one that was a little more Fall-like. Truly, I’m a very simple crafter. I don’t do anything overboard–or at least I try not to. This wreath didn’t end up turning out too Fall-like but I do like it’s simplicity and it was fun to get out my craft supplies!
Supplies needed:
Wreath–I got mine from JoAnns with a 50% off coupon. I think it was $5 or so.
Door Hook: Got mine at the Dollar Store last Fall.
Burlap–you’ll need about 6 strips of 4in. by 36 in. depending on the size of your wreath.
Glue gun–to adhere burlap to wreath and to adhere any other embellishments.
Embellishments–I used some old book pages, a little fabric, and some felt.
Oh, and a little warning–Burlap is MESSY. You’ll be able to see that in some of the photos. You could always cover the wreath in paper, fabric, felt, etc.
First step is to wrap the burlap around the wreath.
 When the strip runs out, hot glue the edge of the burlap to the wreath and then start the next strip right on top of where the last one stopped.
Continue wrapping the burlap strips around the wreath until it is fully covered.
There are so many fun embellishment you could do. Look on Pinterest and you can find LOTS of different flowers to do–out of felt, fabric, paper, etc. 
Again, mine is not necessarily Fall-like but I like it. Just a simple bow and a flower. Maybe I’ll add to it. 
 Either way, just make a wreath that YOU like. There are so many beautiful wreaths out there on the internet for inspiration. You could go all out or just do something simple like mine. 
The trick is to just START. Get out your craft supplies and START working on it. Then you will get the energy/motivation/creativity to make a wreath that makes you and your door happy:)
Have fun!

Chico, California Newborn Photographer::Baby Talia

Seriously, what a joy new babies are! This sweet little girl’s parents are some of our greatest friends and that makes me love her even more! Her mommy is so calm with her–truly a natural. And as for her daddy, he can’t stop boasting about both of the ladies in his life! She is one lucky baby. 
Enjoy these photos from my time spent with this precious girl. Our little boy has a girlfriend already and he doesn’t even know it!
 Little girl smiles…
It melts my heart when babies bring their hands up to their faces!
 I just had to include this photo of her laying on the quilt her mommy made. We were laughing when she was scowling at me like this–with her dukes up! Makes you wonder what does on in her little mind:)
Thank you for being such great friends–we love you and your new addition!

Chico, California::TreCreative

I had the pleasure of working with Chelsey and Stephen of TreCreative a few weeks ago. Chelsey does the Photography side of their business and Stephen does videography. They work really well together. It is always such a great experience photographing alongside other local Photographers. 
In all reality, when I am second shooting for another photographer, the pressure is (kinda) off. You are there to get the other angles, to provide the main Photographer with some backup material–especially during Portraits. You have this fun opportunity to be a little more creative. The couple is never looking at your camera, therefore you get to think outside the box a bit. 
Here are just a few photos from Megan and Jared’s Wedding–enjoy!
Megan and Jared wanted to pray with each other before doing their ‘first look’.
 The bridal party did a great job in the heat! I took this photo while standing in some shade off to the side:)
Thank you so much Chelsea and Stephen for the opportunity of working together! It was a joy:)